We help you make your house, your 'home'

We offer unique products that make your life easier

Why Nuli?

We enjoy working on new products that make your home more meaningful Finding ways to make your home more unique is our passion, and our goal is to make your home your comfort zone by raising your living standards. We come into work every day fired up and ready to tackle the next challenge – we just can’t wait.

What we offer

Most of the time the small hindrances in your life go by unnoticed: you get used to it. There is no better alternative… that you know of. We run our creativity and crack our brains to find out ways to improve our lifes. When we find it, we share them with you.

We sell products with high quality material and emphasize on the re-usability and ease of use. These products aim to promote healthier and more comfortable lifestyle.

We offer a small, but carefully curated selection of products that are unique and solve problems in a creative way.

Our values

We want to change the world. More specifically, ‘your world’. How do we do this? By changing your house into a place that you can call ‘home’. Reinventing the living standards by introducing innovative products of high quality that are affordable. We believe that every household, no matter the size, has its own preferences and unique needs that needs to be met. Some of these needs are strongly present, but unnoticed since that is what people are used to. We want to help these homes to become more providing, less frustrating and become more personal.

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